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CRUD - Delete - React Native SDK

On this page

  • Delete an Object
  • Delete Multiple Objects
  • Delete All Objects in a Realm

The examples on this page use the following schema:

To delete an object from a realm, pass the object to Realm.delete() inside of a write transaction.

In the following example of a DogList component, we:

  1. Get access to the opened realm instance by calling the useRealm() hook.

  2. Retrieve all dogs in the realm instance by passing Dog to the useQuery() hook.

  3. Create a component method deleteDog() that takes in a Dog object as a parameter. Within the method, we pass Realm.delete() the Dog object, deleting it from the realm.

  4. Map through the dogs to render a list of Text components that contain a dog's name and a "Delete Dog" button.

  5. Add an onPress event on the "Delete Dog" button that calls the component's deleteDog() method.


Do not use objects after delete

You cannot access or modify an object after you have deleted it from a Realm. If you try to use a deleted object, Realm throws an error.

You can delete multiple objects from a realm in a couple of ways:

  1. To delete all objects of a given object type from a realm, pass the results of useQuery(<ObjectType>) to the Realm.delete() method inside of a write transaction.

  2. To delete many specific objects from a realm, pass Collection.filtered() to Realm.delete() inside of a write transaction.

In the following example of a DogList component, we:

  1. Retrieve the realm instance using the useRealm() hook.

  2. Set a variable myDogs to all the Dog objects by passing the Dog class to the useQuery() hook.

  3. Create a component method deleteAllYoungDogObjects() that performs a write transaction. Within the write transaction, we set a variable, youngDogs, to the result of myDogs.filtered() with a query to obtain all dogs younger than three. Then pass youngDogs to realm.delete(), deleting all young dogs from the realm.

  4. Create a component method deleteAllDogObjects() that performs a write transaction. Within the write transaction, we pass myDogs to realm.delete(), deleting all the dogs from the realm.

  5. Map through the dogs to render a list of Text components that contain a dog's name and age.

  6. Add an onPress event on the "Delete Young Dog Objects" button that calls deleteAllYoungDogObjects(), deleting all young dogs from the realm, which triggers a re-render and removes them from the UI.

  7. Add an onPress event on the "Delete All Dog Objects" button that calls deleteAllDogObjects(), deleting every dog from the realm, which triggers a re-render and removes them from the UI.


When you delete objects from the realm instance, the component automatically re-renders and removes them from the UI.

To delete all objects from the realm, call Realm.deleteAll() inside of a write transaction. This clears the realm of all object instances but does not affect the realm's schema.

In the following example of a DeleteProfileSettingsScreen component, we:

  1. Get access to the opened realm instance by calling the useRealm() hook within the component.

  2. Create a component method deleteAllData() that performs a write transaction and calls Realm.deleteAll(), deleting all objects from the realm.

  3. Add an onPress event on the "Delete all data" button that calls deleteAllData().


Delete All In Development

Realm.deleteAll() is a useful method to quickly clear out your realm in the course of development. For example, rather than writing a migration to update objects to a new schema, it may be faster to delete and then re-generate the objects with the app itself.
