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Class DynamicRealm

On this page

  • io.realm
  • Nested Class Summary
  • Method Summary
  • Inherited Methods
  • Method Detail
  • addChangeListener
  • asFlowable
  • createEmbeddedObject
  • createObject
  • delete
  • executeTransaction
  • executeTransactionAsync
  • freeze
  • getInstance
  • getInstanceAsync
  • getSchema
  • isEmpty
  • removeAllChangeListeners
  • removeChangeListener
  • where

DynamicRealm is a dynamic variant of io.realm.Realm . This means that all access to data and/or queries are done using string based class names instead of class type references.

This is useful during migrations or when working with string-based data like CSV or XML files.

The same io.realm.RealmConfiguration can be used to open a Realm file in both dynamic and typed mode, but modifying the schema while having both a typed and dynamic version open is highly discouraged and will most likely crash the typed Realm. During migrations only a DynamicRealm will be open.

Dynamic Realms do not enforce schemas or schema versions and RealmMigration code is not used even if it has been defined in the RealmConfiguration .

This means that the schema is not created or validated until a Realm has been opened in typed mode. If a Realm file is opened in dynamic mode first it will not contain any information about classes and fields, and any queries for classes defined by the schema will fail.


See also:

Modifier and Type
Class and Description
public static interface
public abstract static
Modifier and Type
Method and Description
public void

Adds a change listener to the Realm.

public <any>

Returns an RxJava Flowable that monitors changes to this Realm.

String className,
DynamicRealmObject parentObject,
String parentProperty

Instantiates and adds a new embedded object to the Realm.

String className,
Object primaryKeyValue

Creates an object with a given primary key.

String className

Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm.

public void
String className

Deletes all objects of the specified class from the Realm.

public void

Executes a given transaction on the DynamicRealm.

Similar to executeTransactionAsync(Transaction) , but also accepts an OnSuccess and OnError callbacks.

Similar to executeTransactionAsync(Transaction) , but also accepts an OnSuccess callback.

Similar to executeTransaction(Transaction) but runs asynchronously on a worker thread.

Returns a frozen snapshot of the current Realm.

public static DynamicRealm

Realm static constructor that returns a dynamic variant of the Realm instance defined by provided io.realm.RealmConfiguration .

public static RealmAsyncTask

The creation of the first Realm instance per RealmConfiguration in a process can take some time as all initialization code need to run at that point (Setting up the Realm, validating schemas and creating initial data).

Returns the mutable schema for this Realm.

public boolean

Checks if this io.realm.Realm contains any objects.

public void

Removes all user-defined change listeners.

public void

Removes the specified change listener.

public RealmQuery
String className

Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query the provided class.

  • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object : getClass , hashCode , equals , clone , toString , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait , finalize

  • Methods inherited from class io.realm.BaseRealm: setAutoRefresh , isAutoRefresh , refresh , isInTransaction , addListener , removeListener , asFlowable , removeAllListeners , writeCopyTo , writeEncryptedCopyTo , waitForChange , stopWaitForChange , beginTransaction , commitTransaction , cancelTransaction , freeze , isFrozen , getNumberOfActiveVersions , checkIfValid , checkAllowQueriesOnUiThread , checkAllowWritesOnUiThread , checkIfInTransaction , checkIfValidAndInTransaction , getPath , getConfiguration , getVersion , close , isClosed , isEmpty , getSchema , getSubscriptions , deleteAll , migrateRealm , finalize

Adds a change listener to the Realm.The listeners will be executed when changes are committed by this or another thread.

Realm instances are cached per thread. For that reason it is important to remember to remove listeners again either using removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener) or removeAllChangeListeners() . Not doing so can cause memory leaks.


  • listener - the change listener.


public <any> asFlowable ()

Returns an RxJava Flowable that monitors changes to this Realm. It will emit the current state when subscribed to. Items will continually be emitted as the Realm is updated - onComplete will never be called.

Items emitted from Realm Flowables are frozen (See freeze(). This means that they are immutable and can be read on any thread.

Realm Flowables always emit items from the thread holding the live Realm. This means that if you need to do further processing, it is recommend to observe the values on a computation scheduler:

.map(rxRealm -> doExpensiveWork(rxRealm))
.subscribe( ... );

If you would like the asFlowable() to stop emitting items, you can instruct RxJava to only emit only the first item by using the first() operator:

realm.asFlowable().first().subscribe( ... ); // You only get the results once


RxJava Observable that only calls onNext . It will never call onComplete or OnError .


asFlowable in class BaseRealm

String className,
DynamicRealmObject parentObject,
String parentProperty

Instantiates and adds a new embedded object to the Realm.This method should only be used to create objects of types marked as embedded.


  • className - the class name of the object to create.

  • parentObject - The parent object which should hold a reference to the embedded object. If the parent property is a list the embedded object will be added to the end of that list.

  • parentProperty - the property in the parent class which holds the reference.


the newly created embedded object.


  • IllegalArgumentException - if clazz is not an embedded class or if the property in the parent class cannot hold objects of the appropriate type.

String className,
Object primaryKeyValue

Creates an object with a given primary key. Classes without a primary key defined must use createObject(String) } instead.


the new object. All fields will have default values for their type, except for the primary key field which will have the provided value.


Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm.


  • className - the class name of the object to create.


the new object.


public void delete (
String className

Deletes all objects of the specified class from the Realm.


  • className - the class for which all objects should be removed.


Executes a given transaction on the DynamicRealm. beginTransaction() and commitTransaction() will be called automatically. If any exception is thrown during the transaction cancelTransaction() will be called instead of commitTransaction().

Calling this method from the UI thread will throw a RealmException . Doing so may result in a drop of frames or even ANRs. We recommend calling this method from a non-UI thread or using executeTransactionAsync(Transaction) instead.



Similar to executeTransactionAsync(Transaction) , but also accepts an OnSuccess and OnError callbacks.


  • transaction - Transaction to execute.

  • onSuccess - callback invoked when the transaction succeeds.

  • onError - callback invoked when the transaction fails.


a RealmAsyncTask representing a cancellable task.


Similar to executeTransactionAsync(Transaction) , but also accepts an OnError callback.


  • transaction - Transaction to execute.

  • onError - callback invoked when the transaction fails.


a RealmAsyncTask representing a cancellable task.


Similar to executeTransactionAsync(Transaction) , but also accepts an OnSuccess callback.


  • transaction - Transaction to execute.

  • onSuccess - callback invoked when the transaction succeeds.


a RealmAsyncTask representing a cancellable task.


Similar to executeTransaction(Transaction) but runs asynchronously on a worker thread.



a RealmAsyncTask representing a cancellable task.


Returns a frozen snapshot of the current Realm. This Realm can be read and queried from any thread without throwing an IllegalStateException . A frozen Realm has its own lifecycle and can be closed by calling close(), but fully closing the Realm that spawned the frozen copy will also close the frozen Realm.

Frozen data can be queried as normal, but trying to mutate it in any way or attempting to register any listener will throw an IllegalStateException .

Note: Keeping a large number of Realms with different versions alive can have a negative impact on the filesize of the Realm. In order to avoid such a situation, it is possible to set RealmConfiguration.Builder.maxNumberOfActiveVersions(long) .


a frozen copy of this Realm.


freeze in class BaseRealm

public static DynamicRealm getInstance (
RealmConfiguration configuration

Realm static constructor that returns a dynamic variant of the Realm instance defined by provided io.realm.RealmConfiguration . Dynamic Realms do not care about schemaVersion and schemas, so opening a DynamicRealm will never trigger a migration.


the DynamicRealm defined by the configuration.


The creation of the first Realm instance per RealmConfiguration in a process can take some time as all initialization code need to run at that point (Setting up the Realm, validating schemas and creating initial data). This method places the initialization work in a background thread and deliver the Realm instance to the caller thread asynchronously after the initialization is finished.


  • configuration - RealmConfiguration used to open the Realm.

  • callback - invoked to return the results.


a RealmAsyncTask representing a cancellable task.


Returns the mutable schema for this Realm.


The RealmSchema for this Realm.


getSchema in class BaseRealm

public boolean isEmpty ()

Checks if this io.realm.Realm contains any objects.


true if empty, @{code false} otherwise.


isEmpty in class BaseRealm

Removes all user-defined change listeners.


Removes the specified change listener.


  • listener - the change listener to be removed.


public RealmQuery where (
String className

Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query the provided class.


  • className - the class of the object which is to be queried.


a RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects of provided type.


