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Lists - .NET SDK

On this page

  • Overview
  • Lists
  • Lists and Nullability
  • Watching For Changes

A Realm list implements IList<T>, and contains zero or more instances of a Realm type. Like a C# List, a Realm collection is homogenous (all objects in a collection are of the same type).

Realm objects can contain lists of any supported data type. You create a collection by defining a getter-only property of type IList<T>, where T can be any data type (except other collections). A list of realm objects represents a to-many relationship between two Realm types, the containing class and the type in the list.

Lists are mutable: within a write transaction, you can add and remove elements on a list.

Deleting an object from the database will remove it from any lists where it existed. Therefore, a list of objects will never contain deleted objects. However, lists of primitive types can contain null values. If you do not want to allow null values in a list, then either use non-nullable types in the list declaration (for example, use IList<double> instead of IList<double?>). If you are using the older schema type definition (your classes derive from the RealmObject base class), or you do not have nullability enabled, use the [Required] attribute if the list contains nullable reference types, such as string or byte[].


Not Supported with Sync

Local-only realms support collections of nullable (optional) values, but Sync does not.

For more information, refer to Required and Optional Properties.

You can use the INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged event on a list to watch for changes to the list, and the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event to watch for changes to specific properties in the list.

In the following code example, we have a class with an IList<string> property named StringList. We set up event handlers for both the CollectionChanged and PropertyChanged events:

var list = container.StringList.AsRealmCollection();
list.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
Console.WriteLine($"List {sender} changed: {e.Action}");
list.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Property changed on {sender}: {e.PropertyName}");